Monday, September 30, 2013

4 months old

Life has been so crazy! I have forgotten about my blog. Ive been too busy to even try and update it. I never did say that we were finally able to bring her home! She was released from the nicu on July 1, 2013. Exactly 1 month from her being born. She is a true fighter. Life has been crazy but so amazing since she has been home. Her personality is the greatest & she is just the sweetest baby ever. I look back on our time in the hospital and sometime forget about all the pain and hard times because we are so incredibly happy now. Madalyn went 30 days in the hospital & each day shining that much brighter.
After she was born and had her surgery, one of the scariest parts of everything was that she had to be hooked up to a ventilator. This big long tube that went through her mouth to her lungs & would pump air into them for her. Because of her surgery, all the pressure had collapsed her lungs. That was one of the  most scariest moments ever. The fear of not knowing had settled in again. By her 3rd day of life though, she had made a full recovery & was showing signs of improvement immediately. The nurses were able to put her on a lower setting machine & begin to give her the chance to try and breathe on her own. She had also been sedated and kept under so she wouldn't move or move the tube inside her. To see your child laying there limp & so lifeless is heartbreaking. By day 4,  Madalyn was ready to come off the machine. She was weaned off the medications slowly & allowed to move & wake up. Oh, to see her open her eyes and move her arms for the first time just melted my heart. She was this beautiful little girl who had so much to tell the world. I just remember crying tears of joy constantly in there. I was already so in love with her.
It wasn't until she was 5 days old that she was completely off the ventilator. They were giving her oxygen to help with her breathing but it was now time to start planning when she was going to eat. I had already been sent home from the hospital so it was hard for me to go down to see her right away, but when i finally did it was the best day ever. The nurses allowed me to hold her that day. Finally, at 5 days old, i held my baby girl for the very first time ever. It was amazing & emotional. I held her for 3 long hours & she just slept away in my arms. I still,  4 months later, enjoy every time i hold her. I knew then that things were only going to get better from there.
Madalyn was so ready to eat. She would cry constantly because she was hungry, but its one of the hardest things about having a gastro baby, they are extremely careful about feeds. Anything little can upset the course of things and send you back to the first step. We were so blessed. She started on clear pedialyte at first and within a day, she was already taking in milk. It was truly such an amazing journey from them on. To the first time feeding her by bottle, to the day her feeding tube was removed, to even the first bath we gave her on our own. NICU life is really tough and can be scary, but there are so many amazing memories you create while in there.
Madalyn will be 4 months old TOMORROW! I cannot believe where all this time has gone. Our first few nights home were so hard. With any newborn, constant sleepless and restless nights and days, but we are loving life now. She sleeps through the night like a champ! She even sleeps in her own crib! She will only sleep peacefully if she is swaddled up though, I can thank the hospital for getting her used to that. Its just been an amazing transition into mommy life. Everything is devoted to her, but I wouldnt change a thing. She is so content most of the time, she is learning how to get what she wants now, but she loves to watch television & she will entertain herself while in her swing for hours. Madalyn has truly been a blessing. I can't explain how much i love her, because there aren't enough words. She is the greatest joy in our lives, if you looked at her or even saw her tummy, you would have no idea the hardship she endured. She doesnt have any scars or battle wounds to show off, but she does have a super cute belly button she will proud of. She is such a healthy and thriving baby girl.
Our journey has come to an end, for now. I can't say what the future holds for us from here on forward but I just pray that she continues on this path. I am glad I finally got the chance to update you guys on her. We are learning new things daily, its so thrilling. I will update periodically on her improvement as time and life will let me. Everyone's love, prayers, and support got me through this hard time in our lives and I thank each and every one of you who helped us out. To any families who stumble upon this blog in looks of support, just remember you are not alone. Gastroschisis affects 1 in every 2,229 births and there is so much hope and so much life to live even with it. Madalyn is living proof.