Tuesday, February 26, 2013


I am so incredibly exhausted from doing what feels like absolutely nothing. However, I cant seem to get to sleep at a decent time at night and it is really getting annoying. There is so much going on in my life, from the move, to keeping track of doctor appointments, to remembering what hours and days i work, to even remembering to eat. I am so overwhelmed. My brain is all over the place and i am so stressed out mentally. I feel like i am going to explode at times.

What also doesn't help my sleep is this little one. She thinks its funny to wait till the very end of the night to twirl around and try to play! Why cant she do that when i am not trying to sleep? I am now soaking in baths every night to help with all the commotion. My body is aching a lot too. I cant wait for this move to be over so i can hibernate and sleep for days.

I feel like those two paragraphs were nothing but negative about my pregnancy. You can always tell the kinds of moods people are in when they rant about something, but i am still very excited about a lot. Her moving around is always fun when I'm not trying to sleep. I can poke my belly and a few seconds later she will poke me back. I even actually got to see my belly move in the exact spot she kicked me in. That was quite the site to see. She is such a happy and wild baby, you would almost think nothing was even wrong with her... although to me, she is perfect just the way she is.

The fear of her coming soon is getting to me a little bit. I feel so unprepared. I cant wait to meet with the new doctors and start getting things planned. I have a million questions i need to ask regarding her stay in nicu now. I think once i have something planned out or at least attempted, i will feel better. I am such a worry wart, i need things to be organized and on time. Its gotten a lot worse in the last fee weeks too. I know a lot can go off plan with our situation, but i just want to stay informed and be as prepared as possible.

Less than 2 weeks to go in our apartment before we move back home with my husbands parents for a few months. Its so sad to leave all these memories, but i am looking forward to getting back on our feet before Maddy comes. I am hoping to have a new place before she gets here too. She needs to grow up in a home of our own. --- my cat has now laid on my arm and it is falling asleep.
I will end it here for tonight!today considering it is 2:07am now. Busy, busy weekend ahead of me. Until then!

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